Anyone seen Boxslayer here lately?.......

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Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Still awaiting his explaination.... I think he owes it to his "fans," don't you think? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Remember this, Mr. Holier Than Thou?*

Detroit Pistons +1 1st Half -105

Very important 1st half for the Pistons. They have been coming out of the gates slow the past 2 games, because they didnt have the motivation or desperation of Chicago. The public has quickly forgotten, that these Pistons blew the Bulls out the first 3 games, and dominated to go up 3-0. Chicago has simply prolonged this series, and now its time for the Pistons to get serious. They are on the road at Chicago, and they cant allow the Bulls to come out with the home crowd, and continue their confidence and motivation to win this series. That creates a nightmare situation for the Pistons. Look for them to close this series out tonight, to get back to Piston sbasketball: Big time defense, clutch shooting.Low juice, and getting points with Detroit is great here.

</b>After his pick LOSES, Mr. Morality Cop claims he didn't make this LOSING bet afterall, but instead bet an entirely different pick (which was winning big at the time he posted) by "MISTAKE":

you wanna hear some shit? same here. i dont know how the fuck it happened, but my wager says Pistons (Game) +1 -105 and its still under my pending playsi'm 99% sure i put in 1st half, ive never really screwed up a bet before
Awaiting Mr. BoxLiar's response.....

Oh and let's not forget his now infamous proclaimation: </p>
Quote:Originally Posted by Boxslayer HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

what a clown

not surprised though....this guy has the lying capability of (Boxslyer), the annoying style of (Boxslyer), and the arrogance of thinking he is never wrong of (Boxslyer)
god bless myself, and may allah and jah and buddha and zeus help me

Gotta love the stupidity of some posters. Don't they realize their own lies and cheating will come back to haunt them when they play the "holier than thou" card? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" <-----I have a feeling he'll have that tattooed on his forehead. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
you're the worst poster on this site digging up something on me from a few weeks ago because i hurt your are such a loser, dont you have anything better to do? doesnt Kobe need a good BJ right about now? or how about losing yet another argument and just going "hahahahahahhahahah" because you dont know what to say.....this has already been addressed and i will post my response from that thread below and if anyone has a problem with it...get a life, get a pet, get a BJ

"Dude this is ridiuclous. Since when am I not allowed to have conversation on this site? You act like I have a track record of fudging my plays, posting impossible lines, padding my stats, and always mistyping my bets and then bragging about it.

I'm human, and I fucked one up. If you see a track record of this happening, then you can say shit.

I clearly liked and wrote up Detroit 1st half. And it was a losing play. It is going to be tracked as a losing play to accurately show others at what rate and percentage I have been picking plays. THAT'S why people track units and plays. People on this site lose sight of the big picture.

If a newbie comes to this site, and he is trying to look at different guys plays, or if someone is lazy and wants to ride coattails because they dont want to handicap, you keep a record to show how accurately each person is picking games to help a newbie determine how to weigh each persons opinion. END OF STORY.

Its not like Im gonna mark the Pistons 1st half as a winning play because I accidentally put it in wrong. Im just having conversation in my thread, and if people dont like it, they dont have to come in here. I dont ask for thread views, and I dont ask for followers. Im just a guy posting his plays and looking for discussion. Thats why I writeup my plays. I want DISCUSSION. I try to stimulate discussion to see others opinions. If i just said "Pistons 1st half Im the man watch me win, lock city", different story.

The Pistons will be marked as a loss on this website and that is all that matters. TheRX doesnt book my bets, the people that look at my thread dont book my bets, and whether I accidentally put in Pistons full game, instead of Pistons 1st half has NO BEARING on their accounts, or anything that has to do with them. I can certainly come to a gambling community, start my own thread that people choose to participate in and tell a fellow bettor that I made the same mistake as him, and the chances of that happening are ridiculously crazy, I had to make a post about it.

And of 8,000+ posts, and probably 10,000+ bets, I fucked up a wager, and I thought it was ironic that the guy i speak to on IM everyday did the same exact thing.

I didnt LAUGH anything off. I simply made a post, a statement.

I didnt start being an asshole and start openly cheering for the Pistons throwing salt in the wound. I wasnt saying "OHHHHH YEAHHH BABBYYYY PISTONSSSSSSSS FULLGAME WINNER :money8: "

HAhahahahahaha sooooooooooooo happy I screwed up that bet. Sorry to all who followed. Man I feel lucky today!!!! :aktion033

So seriously, there is a huge difference in what i did/ get over it."

the difference here is me: No track record, it was a regular old play, not some game of the year.....10,000 posts.....1 fuck up

you? track record of being an idiot, a liar, worst poster on the had a game of your wasnt some average day u say u didnt play it.....but are just trying to gain some credibility back which escaped you a long time ago, and if you lose the game of your life, you have 0 creidiblity, so you lied about it

Sep 21, 2004
Can't really believe people have time to write out a whole page about another poster on a gambling forum, because he made a mistake.


Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
you're the worst poster on this site digging up something on me from a few weeks ago because i hurt your are such a loser, dont you have anything better to do? doesnt Kobe need a good BJ right about now? or how about losing yet another argument and just going "hahahahahahhahahah" because you dont know what to say.....this has already been addressed and i will post my response from that thread below and if anyone has a problem with it...get a life, get a pet, get a BJ

"Dude this is ridiuclous. Since when am I not allowed to have conversation on this site? You act like I have a track record of fudging my plays, posting impossible lines, padding my stats, and always mistyping my bets and then bragging about it.

I'm human, and I fucked one up. If you see a track record of this happening, then you can say shit.

I clearly liked and wrote up Detroit 1st half. And it was a losing play. It is going to be tracked as a losing play to accurately show others at what rate and percentage I have been picking plays. THAT'S why people track units and plays. People on this site lose sight of the big picture.

If a newbie comes to this site, and he is trying to look at different guys plays, or if someone is lazy and wants to ride coattails because they dont want to handicap, you keep a record to show how accurately each person is picking games to help a newbie determine how to weigh each persons opinion. END OF STORY.

Its not like Im gonna mark the Pistons 1st half as a winning play because I accidentally put it in wrong. Im just having conversation in my thread, and if people dont like it, they dont have to come in here. I dont ask for thread views, and I dont ask for followers. Im just a guy posting his plays and looking for discussion. Thats why I writeup my plays. I want DISCUSSION. I try to stimulate discussion to see others opinions. If i just said "Pistons 1st half Im the man watch me win, lock city", different story.

The Pistons will be marked as a loss on this website and that is all that matters. TheRX doesnt book my bets, the people that look at my thread dont book my bets, and whether I accidentally put in Pistons full game, instead of Pistons 1st half has NO BEARING on their accounts, or anything that has to do with them. I can certainly come to a gambling community, start my own thread that people choose to participate in and tell a fellow bettor that I made the same mistake as him, and the chances of that happening are ridiculously crazy, I had to make a post about it.

And of 8,000+ posts, and probably 10,000+ bets, I fucked up a wager, and I thought it was ironic that the guy i speak to on IM everyday did the same exact thing.

I didnt LAUGH anything off. I simply made a post, a statement.

I didnt start being an asshole and start openly cheering for the Pistons throwing salt in the wound. I wasnt saying "OHHHHH YEAHHH BABBYYYY PISTONSSSSSSSS FULLGAME WINNER :money8: "

HAhahahahahaha sooooooooooooo happy I screwed up that bet. Sorry to all who followed. Man I feel lucky today!!!! :aktion033

So seriously, there is a huge difference in what i did/ get over it."

the difference here is me: No track record, it was a regular old play, not some game of the year.....10,000 posts.....1 fuck up

you? track record of being an idiot, a liar, worst poster on the had a game of your wasnt some average day u say u didnt play it.....but are just trying to gain some credibility back which escaped you a long time ago, and if you lose the game of your life, you have 0 creidiblity, so you lied about it

Oh, I get it.... when you LIE and FUDGE a play, it's a "honest" mistake. Just how a holier-than-thou HYPOCRITE would respond. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!</p>

What you did was FAR worse than what I am being accused of. I didn't bet... while claim you bet something entirely different than your original bet. So you denied making a bet on something you touted the entire day and lost big but rather bet a winning play that was already winning when you posted your little LIE. Furthermore, you supposedly have more "credibility" which means that others followed your play. Then after it LOSES, you rub it in their faces by claiming that you bet something entirely different. That should be comforting to the people who followed your play because you had "credibility." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

You're a FRAUD, HYPOCRITE and a LIAR. You were exposed. I didn't expose you before because someone else already confronted your shady behavior so I gave you a break. But by you taking a holier-than-thou stance against me, I just had to point out what a HYPOCRITE LIAR FRAUD you really were. You had to put in your place because you are clearly DELUSIONAL thinking you're somehow above it all. It's no different than Bob Livingston and Newt Gingrich bashing Clinton for his getting a BJ... while they are banging their mistresses. Bunch of HYPOCRITES.... the same group you're apparently a charter member of.

Next time you throw stones, make sure you're not in a glass house. Make sure you don't have any skeletons in your closet. Don't be such a moron who did something far worse few days prior to accusing others of doing. Idiot. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Anyways, you've been EXPOSED as a HYPOCRITE, FRAUD and a LIAR. Have a nice day. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Can't really believe people have time to write out a whole page about another poster on a gambling forum, because he made a mistake.


Sure, a "mistake" that ended up in his favor, because he changed his bet after his original bet lost. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
This guy is an ass but he makes an excellent point

Originally Posted by Exquisite Hoopster</p><p><p>

This bullshit makes me fucking sick. Just saw your thread Box and had no play on the game tonight. Just wanted to say that I fucking hate it when cappers make a play, write it up, clearly indicate that its a 1st half play, and then conveniently laugh it off later saying that they mistakenly inputted it as a winning full game play instead. That's like a fuckin punch in the stomach to all the degenerates that followed you on this. 703 thread views and I'm sure more than a handful of degenerates out there blindly follow you because you have such a good reputation as a capper on Rx. Its just adding salt to the wound of an already lost play and theres no need for it because it only benefits you.
Personally, I dont follow your plays Box because I cap for myself but Im sure there are tons of people out there right now holding up a middle finger to you and saying the big Fuck You

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
I'm not one of them, Box has been cash money in NCAA Baseball and at least writes thoughtful, compelling analysis. Have you ever written analysis/reasoning for a pick? I can't recall. Or may be the "hahhahhahahaha" after your plays, that's reasoning enough.

And you, of all people, trying to call someone else out for being a fraud, hypocrite, etc.? I guess misery loves company, huh?

I don't give shit if he's been money in synchronized swimming. He acted like a holier than thou saint while accusing me of doing something shady, when he did something FAR WORSE few days prior. Such hypocricy can't go unnoticed because, first of all, it's hilarious and secondly it shows what a delusional FRAUD this guy is. </p>
I mean what he did was far worse and reprehensible since so many people followed his pick blindly because of his reputation and write-up. Then he rubs it in their faces by claiming he never bet it, but rather bet something entirely different that won. A "mistake" bet that he would not have mentioned had the Pistons not been winning in the 3rd qt.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
what i did was far worse? thats laughable.

#1 - I wrote up detroit as a play, wrote an entire analysis as to why i liked them for the 1st half. there was absolutely no mistake about it. it was counted as a LOSS on my record to accurately reflect that i posted a losing play.

i looked in my account, as i always do, and for some reason it had detroit for the game and not 1st half...i said to PYRO.."you wont believe this i somehow have them for the game as well although i am 99% sure i put it in 1st half/" even after i told pyro i put the bet in as a was an admitted MISTAKE that i didnt play it 1st half...and it confirmed 100% without any doubt what side i liked

even to this very moment, i said i liked detroit 1st was a bad bet....and it was counted as a loss on here....

YOU on the other hand...

wrote up why you liked a of the YEAR....made no mistake about it...

the game played lost

and the side you wrote up about lost...and then you came back next day and tried to act like you made a great decision and laid off the play of the year

to this moment, to will say "yeah i laid off the bet." and try to act like you still have some credibility

me? i admit i made a bad selection, thnakful for my own account, which is no one elses business, i put the bet in wrong....

my credibility on this board remains the same....i put up a play as detroit 1st half and it mistake about it

you are trying to maintain what little creidiblity you have, if at all, by saying you laid off the play next day

HUGE difference

and get the fuck over it

Dec 17, 2006
Why the fuck does anyone entertain the assclown? Crunch that is.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I don't give shit if he's been money in synchronized swimming. He acted like a holier than thou saint while accusing me of doing something shady, when he did something FAR WORSE few days prior. Such hypocricy can't go unnoticed because, first of all, it's hilarious and secondly it shows what a delusional FRAUD this guy is.

I mean what he did was far worse and reprehensible since so many people followed his pick blindly because of his reputation and write-up. Then he rubs it in their faces by claiming he never bet it, but rather bet something entirely different that won. A "mistake" bet that he would not have mentioned had the Pistons not been winning in the 3rd qt.

You're one of the dumbest guys on the board.

Yeah I really rubbed it in. Like as if I was flipping money :money8: , and talking about what a great bet I made.

Something "entriely different"????

LOL. Yeah Detroit 1st half or Detroit full game.. Entirely different.

If I would have said "oops I bet the Cavs lucky me."

That would be ridiculous.

Once again:


My bet was clearly written up Detroit 1st Half. I wrote up an analysis for the 1st half. There is no doubt that I liked Detroit 1st half. There is no doubt that was the side I liked. To this very moment, I admit that was the side I liked. It lost. It was counted as a loss in my record to accurately reflect my posting record for others. As a side conversation, I told Pyro I accidentally put it in as Detroit FG and got lucky. Lucky for me, because I made a terrible bet on Detroit 1st half, and probably lost a few people money that followed that play. To this moment I admit I made a bad selection. I'm not backing out of the play, and telling the board "I meant Cavs, I meant Cavs!!!!! I posted it wrong. OOPS!"

Nope, I posted every single thing right. I posted a bad play, a losing play. Game over. It was a regular sized play, not some game of the year.


You posted a game of the year 200 units. No doubt about it which side you liked. It lost. Next day you came back and acted like you LAID off the game ON PURPOSE. There was no mistake in your betting. You literally, laid off the game of the year because 2 posters disagreed with you. HILARIOUS!

You're a fuckin clown.

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
what i did was far worse? thats laughable.

#1 - I wrote up detroit as a play, wrote an entire analysis as to why i liked them for the 1st half. there was absolutely no mistake about it. it was counted as a LOSS on my record to accurately reflect that i posted a losing play.

i looked in my account, as i always do, and for some reason it had detroit for the game and not 1st half...i said to PYRO.."you wont believe this i somehow have them for the game as well although i am 99% sure i put it in 1st half/" even after i told pyro i put the bet in as a was an admitted MISTAKE that i didnt play it 1st half...and it confirmed 100% without any doubt what side i liked

even to this very moment, i said i liked detroit 1st was a bad bet....and it was counted as a loss on here....

YOU on the other hand...

wrote up why you liked a of the YEAR....made no mistake about it...

the game played lost

and the side you wrote up about lost...and then you came back next day and tried to act like you made a great decision and laid off the play of the year

to this moment, to will say "yeah i laid off the bet." and try to act like you still have some credibility

me? i admit i made a bad selection, thnakful for my own account, which is no one elses business, i put the bet in wrong....

my credibility on this board remains the same....i put up a play as detroit 1st half and it mistake about it

you are trying to maintain what little creidiblity you have, if at all, by saying you laid off the play next day

HUGE difference

and get the fuck over it

So you think someone saying they didn't bet is worse than saying they didn't bet but bet something entire different else that won "by mistake"? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!</p>
Not only a LIAR, SHADY, FRAUD but also DELUSIONAL! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, that's the problem with you HYPOCRITES.... you think nothing you do is ever shady, such as switching picks after they lose to the one that's winning (by mistake, wink wink). Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha!

What's funny is that you think your credibility shouldn't take a hit because you're beyond criticism. That if any shady behavior from you should be expected. Well, after reading this, they are sure to be on alert about your future shadiness. You're a SHADY LIAR and a FRAUD. You were pulled out of the closet screaming and kicking and EXPOSED as the shady character you really are. Next time you ever accuse anyone of being shady, everyone will laugh because you were EXPOSED as the KING of SHADY. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Box marked it up as a loss on his record? Then what's the big deal? Because he casually admitted that he fucked up entering his play (which more than a few people have done on here in the past)? He still marked it as a loss on his record on here. Luckily for him his bankroll didn't suffer.

You talk about people tailing him. What difference does that make? He still posted the play with all his reasoning, and when it lost, he marked it as a loss and subtracted the units.

You on the other hand claimed you didn't bet the biggest game of the year for you after it lost, not like you post units or analysis anyway though so thankfully i'm sure only a few might have followed.

Did you mark the game as a loss? Or wait, do you even keep an accurate record in hockey? Or is it 0-1, -20 units, or since you didn't play it, 0-0?

You don't seem to get it (which is hardly news). You think someone touting their play, convincing others to follow blindly, then after it LOST, claiming he bet something different entirely is ALRIGHT? So if I had said I bet the Ducks by mistake and that I would still mark it as a loss, it would be ALRIGHT? Wow, you're dumber than I thought. I know you hate me because I made you cry before but your argument is beyond stupid. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
You're one of the dumbest guys on the board.

Yeah I really rubbed it in. Like as if I was flipping money :money8: , and talking about what a great bet I made.

Something "entriely different"????

LOL. Yeah Detroit 1st half or Detroit full game.. Entirely different.

If I would have said "oops I bet the Cavs lucky me."

That would be ridiculous.

Once again:


My bet was clearly written up Detroit 1st Half. I wrote up an analysis for the 1st half. There is no doubt that I liked Detroit 1st half. There is no doubt that was the side I liked. To this very moment, I admit that was the side I liked. It lost. It was counted as a loss in my record to accurately reflect my posting record for others. As a side conversation, I told Pyro I accidentally put it in as Detroit FG and got lucky. Lucky for me, because I made a terrible bet on Detroit 1st half, and probably lost a few people money that followed that play. To this moment I admit I made a bad selection. I'm not backing out of the play, and telling the board "I meant Cavs, I meant Cavs!!!!! I posted it wrong. OOPS!"

Nope, I posted every single thing right. I posted a bad play, a losing play. Game over. It was a regular sized play, not some game of the year.


You posted a game of the year 200 units. No doubt about it which side you liked. It lost. Next day you came back and acted like you LAID off the game ON PURPOSE. There was no mistake in your betting. You literally, laid off the game of the year because 2 posters disagreed with you. HILARIOUS!

You're a fuckin clown.

Go ahead, defend your online life to the death. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!</p>
What you did was tatumount to me claiming that I bet the Ducks instead "by mistake" and that it's OK because I would still mark it as a loss... something you didn't say until you were confronted in your original thread.

You're a LIAR, FRAUD and SHADY to say the least. The fact that you think it's OK what you did just confirms it even more.

You may think your credibility is beyond reproach but not everyone is as unethical as you. You were EXPOSED and you can cry and kick all you want but not everyone will view you the same. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Buried Alive after week 2 of the NFL
May 12, 2006
I've wagered on the wrong game/half twice in the past year, I dont see how you dont understand that it's possible and rather easy to do. But, I guess when you are Crunch that gives you a free pass and you are perfect in the world and make no mistakes. Box counted it in his record, so what is the problem anyways?

Crunch G.O.Y. write-ups or Boxslayer's Detailed Analysis...Hmmm, tough choice.

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
made me cry? how dumb are you?

The situations are different, because he posted an accurate POSTING RECORD. You simply wiped the slate clean. How do you not understand that? Is your record 20-units worse? NO IT'S NOT, because you are a lying sack of dog feces.

Box's record is ACCURATE, yours is not. He noted a fortunate break, nothing more nothing less. You noted a fortunate bullshit lie by pretending you didn't make the play.

Again, misery must love company. You are a sad soul buddy.

What's the O/U days before your head explodes from posting on the RX?

Situation IS different.... what he did was FAR worse. He touts a pick, makes a long write-up, convinces others to follow, then claims he didn't bet it afterall. He "mistakenly" makes a winning pick, ONLY after seeing that the Pistons took the big lead in the 3rd qt. If that's not shady then you need to remove your dick from his ass and think coherently for a change.</p>
As for not posting my record in hockey, I made no secret that I hate the NHL and want to see it banished. I even admitted I don't know anything about it. This was probably my 4th pick of the season. Unlike BoxLiar who acts like he's some sort of an expert in the NBA (ha!). So he took others down while he somehow saved himself "accidentially." hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahaahahaha!

What is it with you terrorists with "cutting of heads" and "exploding"..... trust me, my Rx "rep" means very little compared to you two. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

New member
Dec 27, 2004
I don't think your going to get anywhere arguing with Crunch. He is beyond stupid.

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
I've wagered on the wrong game/half twice in the past year, I dont see how you dont understand that it's possible and rather easy to do. But, I guess when you are Crunch that gives you a free pass and you are perfect in the world and make no mistakes. Box counted it in his record, so what is the problem anyways?

Crunch G.O.Y. write-ups or Boxslayer's Detailed Analysis...Hmmm, tough choice.

He touts his pick for the whole day and somehow bet it wrong? are you high or just retarded??????? You're telling me this guy was soooooooooooooo convinced of his play that he wrote a long write-up and convinced others to play it but was sloppy when betting???????? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!</p>

What he did was FAR WORSE.... because not only did he take others down with him but he claimed he didn't bet it (talk about salt in the wound).... but rather bet a winning pick, only after the Pistons took back the lead in the 3rd qt. Now if you don't think that's Shady, then that speaks volumes about your own credibility.

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
you are. haha that's what's so funny about this thread. again, the pot calling the kettle black, huh? And what Box did still isn't bad compared to what you did.

It's clear that you don't like me, so of course you're gonna back your "boy" that you flirt with on a daily basis. But try to think of it this way.... if I were a fellow terrorist, would you think differently about the situation? I bet you would. Hahahahahahahahahaahhaaha!

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
i learned something awhile ago with arguing with crunch...he is an idiot, you make a perfectly fine argument and he spins it...he will go on forever twisting shit up....and then arguing against it.....just let him be...he can say whatever he wants....he is probably the most hated guy on here and most annoying for a reason

just let it be

okay crunch im a liar and what i did was way worse

im moving on...have fun
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